Thursday, May 21, 2015


LOOKING OVER OUR LANDSCAPE: for the past couple years, there seems to be "No Apparent" aggregate change emerging or one already in motion to bring or which promises to bring us along the pathway of "Recovery" to an America, (OUR AMERICA) we've grown-up in where number one: "Our Constitution" is upheld by first of all, "TPOTUS", second by House, Senate & Judiciary, and thirdly, by "WE THE PEOPLE" who in essence " the government" but we're not acting like it..., much or to any degree.

THERE ARE NO EMERGING LEADERS: (Apparently/Obviously) who have strong enough morals and/or ethics by which to properly govern, neither, most unimaginably of all is the fact there are no "Counter Leaders" strongly opposing the steady "Dismantling of America", OUR AMERICA as if AMERICA has been taken away from us by some dastardly rogue pirate who's found it most necessary to further "His Agenda" by effectively sealing all of his personal records, even and especially his Certificate of Live Birth when anyone with a clear conscience and/or one of integrity would have done so matter-of-factly, immediately, and without any reservations.  Instead, he's presented nothing but "Suspicion & Subterfuge" all along the way, proving beyond a shadow of doubt he's hiding "Many Things"...,

HE SPEAKS OF "TRANSPARENCY" AS IF IT WERE, "Aluminum Foil" and not "Stretch Wrap"??  During a time of great financial teetering he clumsily mishandles hundreds of BILLIONS of American Tax Payer's Money and literally throws it at our Corporations, Agencies, etc., without "Schedule, Criterion-One" and expects "That" to be the one-act-resolve curing the problem...,  WHAT?????????????????????????????????????

He pulls troops out of the M/E prematurely, quite obviously listening-NOT to any of his Military Advisers, Past Military Practices even of other nations and throughout history does he continue to ignore them, daily going about the business of "IM-properly Running/Leading Our Country" as if by the seat of his pants does he do so and still yet, (of all things), 61-MILLION AMERICANS RE-ELECTED HIM???????????????????????????????????????

WHY...??  WHAT...?? has he accomplished but to send our nation ever deeper in debt by vast amounts of "Borrowed Money" from the largest Communist Country ever amassed in the history of the world...,  a debt so vast we'll "NEVER REPAY IT",,, which is clearly marked-out in the "Alinsky Timeline" which also quite apparently "NO ONE" is paying attention to??

WHAT HAS HE ACCOMPLISHED but to continue to "DOWNGRADE OUR MILITARY", fire Generals & Admirals who disagree with him, (Not just over BENGHAZI but apparently, obviously as a matter of getting-rid-of all "Disagreeing Opposition" by FIRING THEM...,

...and still yet: "The >BEAT, BEAST< goes on"(!?) (Drums keep pounding rhythm to his brain)

THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE HERE involving myriads of tables, charts and graphs concerning gyrational pulling of planets, suns and quasars, but simply, everyday sound policies, time-proven, well-established protocols we've grown-up with and which we've become accustomed to but quite apparently, quite OBVIOUSLY HE HAS NOT!?


ISI(SL), IS NOTHING LESS THAN A "RUTHLESS BAND OF MUSLIM ZEALOTS" who are gaining a following some estimate at; "...about several hundred each day's average..." who have also been greatly underestimated by this "NON-Leader" who's essentially desecrated their soil OUR AMERICAN MILITARY BLED &/OR DIED ON and once again he thinks: "By My Words Alone" he can effectively change this crisis whereupon right now, today, May 21, 2015, ISIS IS RUTHLESSLY TORTURING, GANG RAPING FOR DAYS, BEHEADING, etc., etc., etc., "...sticking children's heads on poles...", all opposing their "MUSLIM RELIGION, CONQUEST", etc., to eradicate the land of "PREDOMINATELY CHRISTIANS", (at least first-&-foremost they are and have been for months), and still yet: "The Ivory Tower Prince Decrees This Minor" and contributes "NOT ONE" reasonable resolve but to launch a "Limited Drone Strike Campaign" when daily feedback continually tells him "IT'S NOT WORKING"(!?)

~History has turned the page uh huh~

TODAY'S HEADLINES REPORT the AMA is now considering allowing "Their Doctors" to assist terminally ill patients commit suicide through the use of "Drugs"?????????????????????????  Is there "NO COMPETENT LEADERSHIP" anymore in AMERICA?????????????????????????  Where have all the "Leaders Gone",,, long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is not America!!  This is "SUBLIMINAL ANARCHY" at its finest honing!!

And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on

IT SEEMS GROSSLY EVIDENT WE'RE HEADED FOR DESTRUCTION yet all anyone's concerned about is their daily "Starbuck's; Quiznos/Subway; Pot/Drugs/Alcohol" when, "Meanwhile,,, back at the Ranch", America Burns ever steadily to the ground is it apparently doing so and still yet: "OUR BORDERS REMAIN EVER POROUS" allowing, forcing the FBI to monitor ISIS in America for the "...LAST TWO YEARS" we're now being told!?

Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
Sex & Drugs are the first and last things on our minds
From tomorrow until the end of time

WE MAY BE ON THE VERGE OF THE "END OF TIMES" scenario described in The Bible, which BTW has never been proven inaccurate, no, not one jot or tittle's worth has it been so, which today seems to indicate "We're either on the Threshold or In It Already" for no one will know for sure if or until "...the Abomination of Desolation stands in the Temple & Declares Himself to be GOD". Whatever your religious belief, practices, conceptions, etc., please understand fully, to date, "The Bible is Mathematically, Historically, Prophetically Perfect".  It's just not "Politically Correct" but ya' know what??  JEHOVAH GOD IS SOVEREIGN.  HE WILL REMAIN SOVEREIGN BECAUSE HE ALONE IS JEHOVAH GOD,,, we are not!!  (SOLID CAPS IS NOT YELLING, it's EMPHASIZING) so please don't put on the "Wounded Spirit" or take even the slightest bit of offense or concern over such, but Please Do So take it to heart for we all know our "Birth Date", but none of us know our, "Departure From Planet Earth Date"!!

FATHER & SON JESUS are returning and at that time, there will be "No Second Chances" according to "The Word of GOD".  No Second Chances but that the "Elevator" simply goes "ONE WAY" at that point with Hell being its only disembarking spot/Portal!!  This is not any single interpretation but the absolute "End Game Results" of living on Earth as the moral mankind we are.  We have a "Choice", in-fact, thousands of choices over our lives to "Accept, Believe and be Saved" from eternal separation.  Barring that, there is no more "Sacrifices" to be made for our "Eternal Souls"..., either we're going to be with "The FATHER" or we are going to be with "The Creature Called Devil, Satan, Evil One"!!  Not my "Rules" but our FATHER'S...

WHAT WE DO RIGHT NOW,,, TODAY can and will make a change in our lives no country's degeneration can ever effect for "you" can kill the body but not the soul/spirit,,, but that only THE CREATOR can do both and HE will do so "PERFECTLY, JUSTLY" in each and every case!!  Don't believe it GOD??  Fine.  That's your prerogative for we are not robots but humans with free wills--SO WHAT IS YOUR WILL...

Wait till you have reached the age Blah blah
History has turned the page Blah blah
We still want to hear a brand new thing Uh huh
We still need a song to sing Uh huh


Music is a big part of our lives but not so much our Government Leadership and this is most troubling because vast Military's are amassing, already standing-by &/or plotting and planning on our collapse!!  They are steadily working towards bringing America Down and of all things, we now have a "Pre(C)edent" in Office who is "DOING NOTHING TO HELP" our steadily declining MILLIONS are waiting & watching...,

SO WHAT-TO-DO NOW appears to be the looming question I'm faced with and one which might render some comfort too.  Especially since there appears nothing anyone or even a sizable group of people can do to change the present course we're on,,, nothing anyone's even motivated to do,,, there's no "Shocked Consciences" in America over this one man's lunacy, etc., etc., etc., but that individually we can change our own course in "Getting Right With GOD" in that, if there's anything separating us from having and maintaining an on-going, highly personal relationship with our FATHER then, certainly as in my case too, this is the time to establish that "Intimacy" as FATHER has planned and provided for with the "Infilling of HIS HOLY SPIRIT" in us, (Ephesians 1:13,14; for one), so as to " in prayer/communion with our FATHER", as was the "Original Plan" in The Garden of Eden and which is still possible "Spiritually" with///as The HOLY SPIRIT lives in believers who hopefully, soon become: "Followers of THE WAY" which is the Original Language descriptors which were shortened to "Christ Followers" and eventually to "Christians"...,

CLEANING UP OUR LIVES may be major or minor but clean them up we should for we in-fact, do not know our date of departure so "time's a wastin'" should be an ever present and resounding feeling in us, just as real and present as our FATHER'S IS...

THERE'S NO RELIGION BUT "THE WAY": there's no "WAY" to The FATHER but via JESUS (the sinless ONE) WHO paid our price for being sinful by sacrificing HIMSELF for us, WHO did so willingly, ever so Lovingly did JESUS do so that we would see this and accept this payment so as to be "WITH ME IN HEAVEN" as planned for the righteous cannot alter truths to fit anyone's schedule or circumstances.

THERE ARE DEFINITE CONSEQUENCES FOR OUR ACTIONS and ignoring what is TRUTH, JESUS, FATHER & HOLY SPIRIT is just plain "Ignorant"-{Unknowing} of us so there's no better time than the present to most sincerely consider "Accepting JESUS'" payment for our sins so as to "Get-Right" with our FATHER for there is simply or difficultly any other way...

AMERICA IS CRUMBLING, IT WILL BY ALL INDICATIONS continue to decay but >WE< need not be a part of that "End Game Result" of focusing upon the temporary and not the ETERNAL LIFE OUR FATHER PROMISES US..., and many are there with FATHER right now.


"Come unto ME, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and *I* will give you rest. 29 Take MY yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for *I AM* meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your souls in ME, 30 for MY yoke is easy, and MY burden is light. (Book of Matthew, Chapter 11, Verses 28-30)



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